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What is Kombucha (a fermented tea)

  • Yoga Farm 265 Slagle Road Elizabethton, TN, 37643 United States (map)

Love Kombucha? Want to learn how to make it yourself? Maybe you’ve heard about it, but don’t know what it is… What is this SCOBY? What is the Kombucha craze all about? Learn all about Kombucha (a fermented tea beverage) and why live-fermented foods are so good for you! This class will cover how to make it safely at home, including secondary flavoring. Sample various seasonal flavors! In this class you will receive: a complete starter kit-- everything you need to brew Kombucha! A bottle of Kombucha with your personalized flavor of seasonal herbs!
PLUS! A complimentary break down of Fire Cider, what it is and how it works. $40 Early Registration Cost ($50)
Susan Crowther is an author, chef, and culinary entrepreneur. Her focus is in health education. Susan and her husband recently moved from Vermont to Tennessee, where she’s back to her culinary roots as the owner of FARE WELL, selling live-fermented healthy foods:
You can find her specialty Kombucha at local farmers markets and in select Jonesborough locations: Boone Street Market and Corner Cup. Contact Susan:

Earlier Event: November 5
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Later Event: November 17
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