I hear so many times how yogis are struggling with sequencing. No more. We will dive into several ways of sequencing and why to do so.
This training is for those who are:
-new & experienced teachers
-struggling to create class sequences
-looking for guides to create new classes
-wanting to learn to modify for your students
-wanting to become more in tune with your personal practice
We will introduce sequencing, using themes, the body and other fun ways to offer new sequences for you and your clients.
April 6th 8:30am-5:30pm (with an hour lunch)
April 7th 9am-5pm (with an hour lunch)
Required Books:
Yoga Sequencing by Mark Stephens
Yoga Anatomy 3rd Edition by Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews
Training is Yoga Alliance certified and 20hr toward your CE's.
Come join the learning fun. $300 for the weekend session.
Limited Space Available $50 deposit required to hold your spot.